The Forgotten Monument Of National Importance
Here (with author's enlarged text) is what Cadw ('the Welsh Government's historic environment service working for an accessible and well-protected historic environment for Wales') says about Garn Goch:
'The monument is of national importance...[and] the site forms an important element within the wider later prehistoric context...The site is well preserved and retains considerable archaeological potential. There is a strong probability of the presence of evidence relating to chronology, building techniques and functional detail. The scheduled area comprises the remains described and areas around them within which related evidence may be expected to survive.'
So at least some heritage experts consider Garn Goch one of Wales' most significant ancient monuments, and that it has much archaeological potential. Even if Hogg's article had been high quality, it is still nearly 50 years old, so why has there not been a campaign to fund serious archaeological work on Garn Goch?
The answer, of course, is that there are always too many 'priorities' and too few resources, not least money, and, above all, it has until now been accepted as yet another of those hundreds of Iron Age forts.
So we can't, in all fairness, be harsh in our criticism, but we can ask these various authorities to now support a campaign to fund research and digs. Surely we can expect that, can't we?
And we are sure tourism promotion bodies, regional and national, will demand archaeological excavations that could open up its tourism potential, and enhance perceptions of Wales.
To find out more about what the future of Garn Goch might be, click here.